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The Quick and the Dead (1995)

Action | 107 minutes
3,17 1.357 votes

Genre: Action / Western

Duration: 107 minuten

Country: United States / Japan

Directed by: Sam Raimi

Stars: Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman and Russell Crowe

IMDb score: 6,5 (106.710)

Releasedate: 9 February 1995

The Quick and the Dead plot

"Think you are quick enough?"

Ellen drives into the small and boring prairie town of Redemption for a reason. When Ellen visits the local saloon, the annual 'Quick Draw' shooting competition is being organized by the charismatic John Herod, who runs Redemption. Ellen participates in this competition, because she still has a score to settle with someone.

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Very amusing movie. Oh don't get me wrong, The Quick and the Dead is a pretty wrong movie at times, but that just adds to the viewing pleasure as far as I'm concerned. Those ironically dramatic close-ups fit in with the style and atmosphere of the film. Where in the average western film a duel usually counts as the climactic moment, here the entire preamble is built around it. And that simply produces wonderfully entertaining moments, without any real tension or surprise involved. Until the last fifteen minutes you know perfectly who will win which duel, and you can really see the outcome coming miles and miles away. But that's not really what this is about, because the individual scenes radiate enough fun. The sets and decoration of the town look beautifully put together; always increases the atmosphere factor I think (compared to soulless CGI).

The characters are not really interesting, but that is largely made up for by the very strong acting. Russell Crowe even plays the dullest part, so that says enough. A very young DiCaprio has a nice supporting role here. The strongest actor of his generation, and something like this can be seen even in his early roles. Stone has to attract a lot of serious looks but has presence, and Gene Hackman in particular can indulge himself as the very bad boss of the town. He single-handedly pulls up the entire film. It's not subtle or nuanced, including the acting, but again it all fits within the atmosphere and setup. Raimi simply delivers great entertainment, which sometimes almost borders on pulp, but only makes it more charming. 4*.

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The Quick and the Dead a film with a good story and an arsenal of famous actors. These actors are all looking forward to it, that's clear. Wonderful movie that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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Raimi's western.

Hadn't heard much of this movie before seeing it, other than the fact that Raimi was the director of it. Also a film from his somewhat younger film years, so that must promise something energetic. This film is quite enthusiastic, and I can commend that, but the most surprising thing in the end was the cast.

Especially since I didn't expect so many stars to participate in this film. The main surprise of this is DiCaprio. I thought by now I had an idea of the films in which he did or did not play, until I suddenly saw him show up here. I also didn't expect Stone in this role right away, and it is immediately one of her better performances.

The visual aspect is not really the strongest point of the film, but it does have quite a few stylish moments. The energetic ways to build up to the weapon duels are entertaining time and again, and the film also has a nice pace. I was also a fan of the concept, where good shooters compete against each other in a tournament.

Unfortunately, the final action scenes are disappointing and the general acting is mediocre. The star actors can't do much with the boring appearances in which they have to dress. The lack of any flair is also killer, and I just miss the real fun and guts. The serious nature of the film besides some comedic side characters isn't exactly a good or supportive factor of the film either.

Overall, it has become a fairly unsatisfactory action film with enthusiastic direction, but too boring characters and above all too long a playing time. It is a very empty and meaningless film with few surprises, so it is not immediately necessary to tie such a playing time to it. It's entertaining just like a movie, but as far as I'm concerned, this isn't really one of the better projects coming from Raimi. Extra points for the strong camera work.

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