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The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)

Action | 116 minutes
3,30 1.285 votes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Guy Ritchie

Stars: Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer and Alicia Vikander

IMDb score: 7,2 (344.334)

Releasedate: 13 August 2015

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. plot

"Saving the world never goes out of style."

The 1960s. CIA agent Napoleon Solo (Henry Cavill) and KGB agent Illya Kuryakin (Armie Hammer) embark on a joint mission against a mysterious criminal organization working to build nuclear weapons. Their only lead is the daughter of a missing German scientist, who holds the key to infiltrating the criminal organization. What follows is a race against time to find him and prevent a global catastrophe.

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Still a disappointment despite a few nice elements. The film starts with a nice chase in East Berlin, but once the plot really gets going, everything gets watered down and too often it becomes too bland. Sometimes the comic element does work (the scene in which Cavill is quietly chasing the chase in the water from his truck) but just as often not.

Vikander is beautiful and her dresses are beautiful, but I didn't find her very convincing, and that actually applies to the entire cast. Complete lack of chemistry, and Cavill of course keeps the look of a wet sandwich. Surprisingly irritating soundtrack as well. No, not much.

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This movie has been waiting to be watched for a while. I wasn't sure what to expect from this but a quick look here on moviemeter promised something good. Anyway, always charmed by Guy Richie so............ lights off and installation on! The film starts off fantastically with great music and a good atmosphere in Berlin during the cold war. This atmosphere and music remain of a high standard throughout the film. Then I immediately mentioned two strong points that, together with the camera work, make this film very worthwhile. I'm no expert on cinematography or anything like that, but any lace ferret can see that craftsmanship has been delivered here. Delicious! I also liked the humor. Especially in an over the top movie like this it fits perfectly. Because it is definitely over the top. (Anyone ever seen David Beckham who plays two seconds?) In fact, it constantly balances on the dividing line between Austin Powers and James Bond, but due to the quality delivered, the film gets away with it.

In short, a wonderful 4 star film that deserves a sequel!

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Still a setback.

I'm not familiar with the original series, but maybe Ritchie stuck to the source material a little too closely? It has become a pretty tame film for him, one that completely sinks into a swamp of similar films outside its setting and a slightly juicier tone.

I especially miss Ritchie's visual art pieces. Cinematically, it has become a fairly boring film, with the tame action scenes especially striking. The editing is slow, the camera work ordinary. And that's exactly what Ritchie is usually better at than the rest.

The wink that is throughout the film ensures that it never gets annoying or annoying, the pace is also okay, but otherwise there is not much to experience. Too bad that the film is stretched to almost 120 minutes. Fifteen minutes to half an hour less would certainly not have been a problem.

Nah, things aren't going well for Ritchie. At least, though I've never seen Swept Away in its entirety.


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