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Primal (2019)

Action | 97 minutes
2,43 237 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Nick Powell

Stars: Nicolas Cage, Famke Janssen and Kevin Durand

IMDb score: 4,9 (11.830)

Releasedate: 27 December 2019

Primal plot

"The ultimate hunter vs the ultimate predator"

Frank Walsh hunts exotic animals that he ships to the US. When he finds a rare white jaguar, he thinks he will get rich. He takes the animal with him on the freighter that also travels a killer and other deadly animals. When the killer breaks out and frees the predators, Frank must fight for his life.

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I've come to build an appreciation for Cage over the last few years. Previously he only seemed to choose cheap B projects, but in recent years he has also opted for the nicer projects. Especially in the horror side, the nicest characters come out, enough reason to put on this film of his.

This film takes quite a bit of work by actually putting two horror concepts into a single film. One tells the story of an escaped, life-threatening killer. The other tells the story of a rare carnivorous jaguar. Both films probably would have worked better as their own film, because director Powell has a hard time connecting them.

Nevertheless, the film turns out to be quite entertaining and the opening in the jungle is nicely shot. For Cage this is not his strongest role, but Powell allows him to release some humor and that benefits him. He does have a sense of comedy, and this movie shows that sometimes. However, he also gets dialogues that he can't do much with, but hey, he does at least better than the other cast, although I also thought Durand was pretty good.

Visually variable. The film leans on clearly fake, but still nice CGI here and there. The action scenes are never super cool, but the camera work is nice. Some scenes are well exposed, but Powell does not manage to get a good soundtrack that can help with the build-up. As a result, tension is hard to find throughout the film.

I did enjoy myself and a large part of that is thanks to Cage, but he should just skip these kinds of movies now. I can't wait for his next strange project to work on. Primal is just a little exercise for him. Not the best film, with some nice images in between and a film that is entertaining, but certainly not brilliant.

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Professional hunter and animal trafficker Frank Walsh [Nicolas Cage] has the misfortune that the ship carrying his latest cargo is requisitioned by the US Navy. Screenwriter Richard Leder tries to come up with an excuse why a life-threatening criminal [Kevin Durand] should be transported by boat at all, but in vain. A ridiculous premise, then, but the idea of letting a serious criminal and a professional hunter play a game of cat and mouse on a cargo ship full of wild - and some life-threatening - animals in itself is not bad. Cage and Durand are having a blast and Famke Janssen is doing her best to increase the joy of the party. As mindless entertainment, this is therefore fine.

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K. V.

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This was on TV and caught once. The film will certainly not win an Oscar, because it was certainly not original. Unfortunately, the white jaguar also looked fake. The cast was not wow. Still, the movie was not boring. Great mindless entertainment to watch on TV, but not much more.

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