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Power Rangers (2017)

Action | 124 minutes
2,61 396 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 124 minuten

Alternative title: Saban's Power Rangers

Country: United States

Directed by: Dean Israelite

Stars: Dacre Montgomery, Naomi Scott and RJ Cyler

IMDb score: 5,9 (115.772)

Releasedate: 23 March 2017

Power Rangers plot

"Together we are more."

Five ordinary high school students have to become something extraordinary. They discover that their small hometown of Angel Grove and the rest of the world are about to be destroyed by an alien threat. Chosen by fate, our heroes soon discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do that, they must overcome their personal problems and work together as the Power Rangers before it's too late.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jason Lee Scott / The Red Ranger

Billy Cranston / The Blue Ranger

Zack Taylor / The Black Ranger

Kimberly Hart / The Pink Ranger

Trini / The Yellow Ranger

Alpha 5 (voice)

Rita Repulsa / The Green Ranger

Goldar / Putties (voice)

Sam Scott / Jason's Father

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Trailer & other videos

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Didn't really appeal to me, but I did watch the series as a child and I thought they were funny. So after Godzilla another Kaiju event released by Hollywood, somehow Israelite managed to get it much closer to the original.

Although I do wonder who the target audience of this film was. The original series were more for younger viewers anyway, this film is a bit more bitter and edgier. But also still very silly and cheesy. I can't imagine that those who don't know the original Power Rangers find this even somewhat cool, on the other hand it is also not really light enough for a pleasant afternoon of nostalgia on the couch.

But I had a good time with it. The intro is quite long and suggests that they would have liked to have made a lot more sequels. Don't think that will happen after the lukewarm reception of this film. If something had been more concise, the final could have been just a bit more spectacular and the run-up to it would not have been so rushed.

This is not great cinema, it is still nice and campy, but also a bit cooler. Pretty cool for once.


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Very good movie!

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The campy kids' series from the early '90s, designed to bring toys to the market, wasn't exactly clamoring for a reboot, but that didn't stop the makers of the update from wasting money and using a limited amount of talent. to waste. Elizabeth Banks and Bryan Cranston hopefully made a big splash with their limited contribution to this silly SF action comedy about the five archetypal teens who must stop Rita Repulsa from getting their hands on the Zeo Crystal that is somewhere on Earth that she uses. obtain dominion over the universe. Nothing new, just better special effects, but little of the limited childish charm of the original series remains.

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