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Let's Be Cops (2014)

Action | 104 minutes
2,99 863 votes

Genre: Action / Comedy

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Luke Greenfield

Stars: Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans Jr. and Nina Dobrev

IMDb score: 6,4 (141.693)

Releasedate: 13 August 2014

Let's Be Cops plot

"Fake Cops. Real Trouble."

Two friends named Ryan and Justin play with rented police uniforms for cops. They are planning to go to a costume party. Everything goes well at first, until the two fake cops run into a real Russian mobster and they gradually get into all kinds of trouble.

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A decent comedy movie...

Reasonable story...

Funny acting...

Nice HD quality widescreen...

Great background sound

(Dolby Digital)...

Great camera movement...

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“I feel like Danny Glover before he got too old for this shit.”

Let's Be Cops is a nice comedy that starts very strong and also has a nice ending but has some problems in the middle part to keep the level of the beginning. The jokes are a bit less of the paint and some new characters are introduced that are more annoying than funny.

The story of Ryan (Jake Johnson) and Justin (Damon Wayans Jr.) doing nothing with their lives and deciding to pose as police officers is certainly fun at first. It's not original at all, but it doesn't have to be if there is good humor in it and the fun of the actors shines through it. The ending is humorous and action-packed and ensures that the film does not go out like a candle. Johnson and Wayans Jr. are on a roll and it's always fun to see Andy Garcia play the part of the bad guy even though he's better than the material he has to make do with here. James D'Arcy is decent but a bit too one-dimensional. I would have liked to see more of Rob Riggle because he is very funny and Nina Dobrev is a beautiful actress who unfortunately has a very small role. Let's Be Cops has its strong moments, but nowhere does it rise above mediocrity.

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This is a crazy video. Not bad with that. Johnson and Wayans Jr. make a fairly comical duo in this fast-paced comedy with an extremely weak story. However, we have seen this story many times and then you just have the comedy itself left.

It's all pretty smooth. The villains, however, seem quite weak, but Dobrev is a nice appearance. The jokes are quite comical and the movie is quite smooth. 104 minutes go by quite quickly, and with that the film can call itself quite successful.

Nice movie for an evening on the couch with snacks. Even with a group of friends. This movie was fine with me.

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