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St. Vincent (2014)

Comedy | 102 minutes
3,35 641 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 102 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Theodore Melfi

Stars: Bill Murray, Jaeden Martell and Melissa McCarthy

IMDb score: 7,2 (110.156)

Releasedate: 9 October 2014

St. Vincent plot

"Love Thy Neighbor"

Maggie (McCarthy) is a single mother who moves to Brooklyn with her 12-year-old son Oliver. Forced to work long hours, she puts her son's care in the hands of their new neighbor Vincent (Murray), a misanthropic, hedonistic and rough war veteran who lives next door. However, a strange friendship soon develops between the unlikely pair.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Vincent MacKenna

Maggie Bronstein

Oliver Bronstein

Daka Parimova

Brother Geraghty

Coach Mitchell

Robert Ocinski

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avatar van floor87


  • 32 messages
  • 20 votes

I always like Bill Murray, so this movie set up because of him. First half was fun. Soon it all became too bland and predictable for my taste. Real American touch about it.

Lots of clichés. First big hatred between mother and ex, then they sit next to each other at Oliver's talk? you can't get rid of that scenario so easily.. Why did that Oliver have to go to such a religious school? weird.

Too bad. Idea was good, execution bad. Could have been much more comical. It certainly wasn't Bill Murray! (he as an alcoholic with a hooker who makes his life more fun also reminded me of Leaving Las Vegas .. off the beaten track)

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Tasty neighborhood comedy about the daily worries of a few colorful characters, who together form a beautiful palette. The wonderful one-liners here and there do the rest. Bill Murray is naturally made for this kind of role. A very entertaining film, particularly suitable for dispelling a grumpy mood.

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knusse stoel

  • 3195 messages
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Wonderful comedy, especially when you consider that a lot of these kind of movies are "underpants fun".

A breath of fresh air in the line of comedies!

A 7.5.

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