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Lake Placid (1999)

Action | 82 minutes
2,53 646 votes

Genre: Action / Comedy

Duration: 82 minuten

Country: Canada / United States

Directed by: Steve Miner

Stars: Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda and Oliver Platt

IMDb score: 5,8 (66.951)

Releasedate: 15 July 1999

Lake Placid plot

"You'll never know what bit you."

The residents of Lake Placid are shocked when the gnawed corpse of a diver is found on the shores of the lake. The horribly mutilated body shows traces of a monstrous creature, a large tooth marks the bite that swallowed half of the body. The peaceful life in the wooded region has changed instantly. A team of urban researchers comes to the countryside to literally uncover the truth.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jack Wells

Kelly Scott

Hector Cyr

Sheriff Hank Keough

Mrs. Delores Bickerman

Walt Lawson

Stephen Daniels

Deputy Sharon Gare

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  • 296 messages
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Movies with crocodiles, snakes, tigers, you name it, have always been my thing.

Lake placid is a movie for once. Black Water and Rogue for example were so much better. Those are movies you want to watch every minute of.. Lake Placid didn't do that for me unfortunately. I caught myself quickly reading a book after the first 20 minutes.

I didn't put my book down until the film had already been on for an hour and 10 minutes, because that's when the exciting part of the film started.

I didn't feel like I missed anything from the movie at all.


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A large lake with a mirror-like water surface surrounded by pine forest provides the idyllic setting for the film Lake Placid. Since this is a horror film, the idyll is only appearance, because in the deep water lurks a gigantic danger that likes to sink its teeth into human flesh, as the fierce opening scene immediately shows the viewer.

A pleasant first acquaintance with the large reptile, which is then left alone for a while to introduce the viewer to the atmospheric setting and the pleasant characters. With the likes of Brendan Gleeson, Oliver Platt, Bill Pullman and Bridget Fonda, the film has quite a reputable cast of actors. And that is special for a film that without any doubt belongs in the category B film from a storytelling point of view. The acting level makes the movie good. The characters have fine verbal interactions that give the film a pleasantly comic layer. The film also does not shy away from using the characters for fun situation comedy. I had a good time on the comedic side.

It is also a good place to be on the horror level. The film rises above the average monster film. Director Steve Miners plays subtly with the lurking danger. He keeps the threat alive with exciting scenes but keeps the nature of the danger hidden for a long time. It is precisely that dormant element that is good for creating a permanent threatening atmosphere.

Lake Placid is a well done monster movie. With a running time of 82 minutes, the film does not lose time on winding side plots and the film gives little background to the characters. Yet in that short time you are sucked into the atmospheric setting, you feel involved with the characters and the tension is always tight.

Great genre film.

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  • 924 messages
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Lake Placid

Nice movie about a giant killer crocodile with a good dose of humor in the mix. Nice characters, beautiful surroundings and a bonus for the men, because the beautiful Bridget Fonda also plays in it.

3 stars.

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