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Into the White (2012)

Action | 104 minutes
3,26 279 votes

Genre: Action / War

Duration: 104 minuten

Alternative title: Cross of Honour

Country: Norway / Sweden / France

Directed by: Petter Næss

Stars: Florian Lukas, Rupert Grint and David Kross

IMDb score: 7,1 (22.791)

Releasedate: 9 March 2012

Into the White plot

"Inspired by the true world war II story."

High above the harsh Norwegian wilderness, German and English pilots shoot each other during a chance violent encounter. Isolated in the Norwegian wilderness, they have to survive the harsh winter. Although the war has made them enemies, it is difficult to maintain this enmity as the days go on. Due to mutual needs, an unparalleled friendship develops and they even become comrades.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Karl-Heinz Strunk

Richard Thomas Partridge

Robin Southey Smith

Horst Schopis

Josef Auchtor

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avatar van Geno


  • 298 messages
  • 224 votes

It's a very nice theme; Survive by befriending your enemy.

But it's quite a challenge to make a film interesting based on this true story because you can't just add things to it. All the more so because the story itself is already paper thin, let alone has a storyline.

The strength of the film must then lie in the characters and the psychological processes.

And that's exactly where the film falls short. No matter how difficult and how realistic the approach talks have been put down; Cinematically, that's not interesting, at least not enough.

I also had a 'nova zembla' feeling. It had to be cold, but sometimes I didn't feel the cold at all.

Maybe it was the director, maybe the actors' mediocrity... I thought the film was very mediocre.


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Sympathetic but somewhat simplistic developed war film, about the forced cooperation between a number of English and German pilots who crashed in the wilderness of Norway. Nice roles from all involved and entertaining enough, but the limited setting and the superficial approach of the little in-depth script stand in the way of a really good review.

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avatar van Decec


  • 6680 messages
  • 8432 votes

A good war/drama movie...

A true story...

Great story...

Great acting...

Famous actor Rupert Grint (Harry Potter) and Florian Lukas (Nordwand)....

Nice HD quality widescreen...

Great background sound/music

(Dolby Digital)...

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