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Hwang-ya (2024)

Action | 107 minutes
2,87 63 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 107 minuten

Alternative titles: Badland Hunters / 황야

Country: South Korea

Directed by: Heo Myeong-haeng

Stars: Ma Dong-seok, Lee Hee-jun and Lee Jun-young

IMDb score: 5,9 (11.922)

Releasedate: 26 January 2024


Hwang-ya plot

"One last hunt to save us all."

The South Korean city of Seoul has been turned into an apocalyptic wasteland after a deadly earthquake. The survivors must face not only nature's threats, but their own as well, as the lawless world is ruled by power alone. The fearless hunter Nam-san has lived in this world for years. He springs into action when a teenager, with whom he is good friends, is kidnapped by a deranged doctor who conducts experiments on humans.

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  • 2554 messages
  • 7586 votes

Action/adventure.... hmmm... it might as well have been science fiction/horror. In any case, you are treated to a lot of action and violence, which fits perfectly into the setting. A no-nonsense looker, nothing more and nothing less. Great for an evening of empty entertainment. *3.0

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  • 2158 messages
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Mediocre action film. The story isn't much, but serves purely as a framework for action, suspense with some horror elements. Unfortunately, it is somewhat disappointing. The start is still with a strong opening. This is followed by a somewhat tough middle section, which is less interesting. Towards the end the action really starts, which lifts the film up a bit. Visually it is just fine. The somewhat sturdy leading actor otherwise plays an excellent role. 2.5/3.0

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