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Hollywood Homicide (2003)

Action | 111 minutes
2,43 410 votes

Genre: Action / Comedy

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Ron Shelton

Stars: Harrison Ford, Josh Hartnett and Lena Olin

IMDb score: 5,3 (40.224)

Releasedate: 9 June 2003

Hollywood Homicide plot

"They're two cops with one shot at solving a murder... and surviving each other."

Detective Joe Gavilan and his young colleague KC Calden investigate the murder of a promising rap group at a Hollywood nightclub. All traces point in the direction of the infamous record boss Antoine Sartain. After all, there are rumors that he has often killed artists in the past because they wanted to get out of their contract. However, their investigation is hampered by private problems. While Gavilan struggles with financial worries and is closely watched by Internal Affairs, Calden questions his future as an agent. After all, he dreams aloud of an acting career.

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Hollywood Homicide

Why Ford and Hartnett chose this kind of nonsense is beyond me. Hollywood Homicide is messy, boring and uninspired. The film is not funny enough for a comedy and not exciting and action-packed enough for a strong buddy cop movie. Humor here is nothing more than a number of funny situations and uninteresting developments about the personal lives of the two police officers. Worthless use of the potential of Ford and Hartnett.

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Roger Thornhill

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I've ignored this film all these years because of the bad reviews, but now that I've finally watched it I regret it a lot, because boy what a wonderful film to annoy you. A murder mystery for nothing, all the lame running jokes of Ford who has yet to sell a house and Hartnett who wants to be the next Marlon Brando, countless cameos (Eric Idle?!?) that add nothing else , and chases that stretch and stretch a great idea (that pedal boat!) so long that the entire scene eventually falls apart. The film is never exciting, and rarely funny either. The only plus is that I was sure beforehand that Ford and Hartnett would argue all the time and call each other "old man" and "junior" (symbolized by their different ringtones) because to their horror they are saddled with each other as partners, but to my surprise, that didn't even happen, and Ford's character seemed quite happy with that of milky-mouth Hartnett (who, by the way, I can fully understand why he never made the A-list after a few promising films). I actually wanted to give 1½* for this, but I'm deducting half a star because the talent and unimaginable beauty of Lena Olin are so wasted here.

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A buddy movie that is somewhere between a classic detective and a comedy. At least that was the intention because both actors are unsuitable as comedic talent, especially the colorless Josh Hartnett. Result: a boring film that didn't make me laugh once. That has to be one of the worst Harrison Ford movies. Even the chase down Sunset Bld and the brawl at the end can't save the movie.

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