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Guyver 2: Dark Hero (1994)

Action | 128 minutes
2,42 37 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 128 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Steve Wang

Stars: David Hayter, Kathy Christopherson and Bruno Giannotta

IMDb score: 5,8 (3.918)

Releasedate: 20 April 1994


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Guyver 2: Dark Hero plot

"Sci-fi's most powerful alien-human hybrid returns!"

Unwillingly, Sean Barker falls victim to the bio-mechanical armor The Guyver. A year earlier he destroyed the Cronos Corporation, which made genetically manipulated monsters, but now The Guyver is keen on tracking down criminals.

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