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Chi Bi (2008)

Action | 146 minutes
3,55 684 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 146 minuten

Alternative titles: Red Cliff / 赤壁

Country: China / Hong-Kong / Japan / Taiwan / South Korea

Directed by: John Woo

Stars: Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Fengyi Zhang

IMDb score: 7,3 (49.269)

Releasedate: 10 July 2008

Chi Bi plot

"The future will be decided."

In the early third century, Wu's land is invaded by the military leader Cao Cao and his soldiers. The leader of the country Wu, Sun Quan, asks for help from his great rival: the military leader Liu Bei. Although Sun Quan can now oppose both his army and Liu Bei's army, they are still outnumbered and seem to have no chance. However, a strategist from Sun Quan's army seems to have found the solution. He claims that Cao Cao's army cannot resist over the water and this gives Sun Quan's army a chance if they manage to exploit this weak spot well.

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  • 15524 messages
  • 3043 votes

For me the only way to watch this movie was the very long part where parts 1 and 2 are combined. It's a shame that in the end it was decided to cut the film into two parts. Woo brings an epic film to the screen with Red Cliff. It's like the glory days of the great riveting Hollywood epic are coming back to life.

The acting is very good, but you can trust the cast that consists of Hong Kong veterans. The way everything is portrayed is great. The action is very, very good. Seen great things. In addition, the strategic aspect is very cool and interestingly portrayed. The music is also very nice. The only point that I encounter a bit is that the story is just a bit too big and at some points it starts to drag on just a bit too long and takes the pace out of the film quite a bit. But otherwise enjoyed this epic film very much.

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  • 231 messages
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Way too long film and no faggot on!

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Red Cliff, for some reason the movie didn't appeal to me despite the decent numbers and comments, and in the end the movie didn't appeal to me.

As a visual spectacle, the film succeeds in a certain sense. The film exudes a certain style and especially the war and battle scenes look very spectacular and slick. But that is the most that has been said. Besides the long running time, the characters still appeal to me, the story, and the many actors are quite similar, which doesn't help either. In addition, some small things happen that don't seem very believable, such as someone breaking through a set of spears as if they were matches and then knocking over a set of horses like dominoes. The fact that someone apparently presses an arrow further into the body by hand than with a bow is also quite strong. And there are several such things.

For people who love spectacle and an evening of entertainment, this will be a great film. I mostly lack content and there seemed to be no end to the film. Not my thing, won't try again anytime soon.

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