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Body Count (1998)

Action | 86 minutes
2,43 34 votes

Genre: Action

Duration: 86 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Robert Patton-Spruill

Starst: David Caruso, Linda Fiorentino and John Leguizamo

IMDb score: 5,4 (2.136)

Releasedate: 28 April 1998


Body Count plot

"It was a simple $15 million art heist... until she walked into the picture."

After his release from prison, Pike (Ving Rhames) is approached by his old friend Crane (Forest Withaker) to commit an art theft. When everything goes wrong during the robbery, Crane is shot. Pike, along with the remaining members of the gang, must go to Miami to collect money. Mutual quarrels and a hitchhiker (Linda Fiorentino) do not make that so easy.

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