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Peter Jackson considered hypnosis to forget about Lord of the Rings
Photo: © ANP

Peter Jackson considered hypnosis to forget about Lord of the Rings

Peter Jackson considered hypnosis to forget about Lord of the Rings
Photo: © ANP

Peter Jackson has revealed that he considered hypnosis after working on the Lord of The Rings trilogy so that he could experience watching the movies to the same degree as everyone else.

Jackson wrote and directed The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King and his commitment to the project took up six years of his life.

He worked so extensively on the three films that he says he was unable to enjoy the final product like everyone else.

“When we did the Lord of the Rings movies, I always felt I was the unlucky person who never got to see as a coming-out-of-the-blue film," Jackson told The Hollywood Reporter.

"By the time they were screening, I was immersed in it for five or six years. It was such a loss for me not be able to see them like everyone else. I actually did seriously consider going to some hypnotherapy guy to hypnotize me to make me forget about the films and the work I had done over the last six or seven years so I could sit and enjoy them.

Jackson initially asked for the services of British television psychic Derren Brown, though the New Zealand director decided against the process in the end.

“I didn’t follow through with it, but I did talk to Derren Brown about that and he thought he could do it,” he added.

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