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Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe will not play Wolverine
Photo: © ANP

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe will not play Wolverine

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe will not play Wolverine
Photo: © ANP

Daniel Radcliffe previously denied reports that he is in line to play Wolverine in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, saying he is only linked with the role because he is short!

The Harry Potter star carved out an impressive career for himself after playing 'The Boy Who Lived' for so long, and even though he will always be recognised most for Harry, he has received praise for his selection of roles since.

He most recently starred in a spoof biopic of Weird Al Yankovic.

Meanwhile, the X-Men are widely expected to join the MCU in the next phase and that has naturally catalysed plenty of speculation as to who could play the new incarnations of the mutants.

Radcliffe won't be Wolverine, though.

"It's purely a press tour rumour; I say something, and then occasionally I get bored of answering that way so I say something different, and that sets it off again," he told GQ.

"I should just never open my mouth."

He explained that he wouldn't  "ever want to get locked into something that I am not sure I will be able to love the same amount the whole time".

Radcliffe previously said on The View: "This is something that comes up every so often, I think because in the comics Wolverine is short, so every so often they're like, 'Who's a short actor?' There's never been any actual truth to it. Every so often I get bored of answering the questions sensibly, so I just make a joke... but there's nothing going on."

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