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Radio (2003)

Drama | 109 minutes
3,58 367 votes

Genre: Drama / Biography

Duration: 109 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Michael Tollin

Stars: Cuba Gooding Jr., Ed Harris and Sarah Drew

IMDb score: 6,9 (45.023)

Releasedate: 24 October 2003

Radio plot

"His courage made them champions."

James Robert 'Radio' Kennedy (Gooding) is a mentally retarded boy in a small town where the head coach (Harris) of the football team is even more important than the mayor. The coach takes Radio under his wing and a deep friendship develops between the two. Together they must confront the prejudices that live in the small town and in the team. Based on a true story.

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Cuba Gooding Jr. I found very impressive and Ed Harris plays well as always. The story may be somewhat standard, but the film remained fascinating from start to finish, partly due to the good performances of those 2.


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Nice movie, and well played by Cuba Gooding Jr.

In the beginning I had to get used to his personality, and thought it seemed a bit too made, but after a while I saw that he did it very nicely.

It is not easy to come across as mentally handicapped convincingly.

The documentary on the DVD with the real Radio and the coach is also very nice to watch.

A film with a wise lesson. 3.5*

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Very sympathetic drama in which Gooding Jr. proves that he is capable of quite a bit every now and then. The drama part is presented in a subdued way and the inevitable opponent doesn't have the upper hand during the entire film (to become the 'goodguy' for the last 5 minutes). Ed Harris is always good of course.

Pleasantly surprised!


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