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Lady for a Day (1933)

Comedy | 88 minutes
3,64 25 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 88 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Frank Capra

Stars: May Robson, Warren William and Guy Kibbee

IMDb score: 7,4 (4.868)

Releasedate: 13 September 1933

Lady for a Day plot

"Takes its place among the greatest pictures ever made!"

Apple Annie (May Robson) is a poor woman who has always written to her daughter in Spain. Her daughter is a member of New York's high society, and now wants to return to America with her fiancé and father-in-law, who is a member of the Spanish aristocracy. Annie has to pretend to be a rich lady or else the count will not give his blessing. So she has to live in a luxury apartment to entertain the guests and she gets the help of Dave the Dude (Warren William). But everything goes wrong.

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Dave the Dude

Apple Annie

Judge Henry G. Blake

Missouri Martin

Happy McGuire

Count Romero


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  • 1575 messages
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I was surprised to see that I had to vote here first. This is another excellent Capra film.

The film is a fairy tale about a poor apple seller who always pretends to be a lady of class in an exchange of letters with her daughter, who is in Spain. When her daughter then comes to New York, the truth threatens to emerge, but partly with the help of Dave the Dude, the local mafia boss who always buys an apple for luck at 'Apple Annie', everything is pulled out of the closet to trying to perpetuate the fable.

It is, as is often the case with this director, a rather bland story, but Capra knows how to balance on the border of excess like no other and I therefore have little to criticize about this film. Very funny supporting role by the way from Ned Starks as The Dude's right-hand man Happy McGuire. 4/5

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Smooth comedy from the trusted duo Capra – Riskin; a prelude to the numerous comic films they would make together. The plot twist towards the end is a very nice surprise. Not to be missed: Ned Sparks' sarcastic commentary in his scratchy voice.

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Mae Robson stars as Apple Annie, a poor but beloved apple seller who is especially happy by her correspondence with her daughter Louise [Jean Parker] who lives in Spain. When Louise suddenly announces that she wants to visit her mother with her fiancé [Barry Norton] and his father [Walter Connolly], an earl, Annie is shocked. In her letters, Annie pretends to be a wealthy lady who moves in the better circles! Her fear of disappointing her daughter and possibly even ruining her relationship, is a reason for her friends to work together to ensure that Annie can live in the dream world she has created herself for a while during the visit. And that is of course not easy!

Better than Frank Capra's own Pocketful of Miracles remake, but not as good as the series of masterpieces he would create next - starting with It Happened One Night. The story of a group of friends who band together to help another is typical Capra, but the characterizations and performances are hit and miss. Guy Kibbee is excellent as a pool shark who has to pose as Annie's husband and so is Glenda Farrell as the savvy and vulgar nightclub owner Missouri Martin. Ned Sparks also scores as Happy McGuire. However, Parker is no more than competent as the daughter and Norton is a bit stiff as the betrothed. In addition, at times the film lacks the genuine warmth that characterizes Capra's best work.

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