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The Cell (2000)

Thriller | 109 minutes
2,84 1.401 votes

Genre: Thriller / Scifi

Duration: 109 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Tarsem Singh

Stars: Jennifer Lopez, Vince Vaughn and Vincent D'Onofrio

IMDb score: 6,4 (112.136)

Releasedate: 17 August 2000

The Cell plot

"Enter The Mind Of A Killer"

Carl Stargher brutally murders beautiful young women. He keeps his victims imprisoned in a cell, in which water automatically flows. Once the girls are dead, Stargher continues to live out his sick fantasies on their bodies. FBI Agent Peter Novak discovers him, but when they raid his home, the deadly killer is in a deep coma. A race against time begins. Where's the last girl alive? Can she still be saved? They enlist the help of Dr. Catherine Deane who can link her own brain to Stargher's brain via computers. It's up to her to find the girl's location in the twisted, colorful fantasy hell of the psychopath before it's too late and before she dies herself...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Catherine Deane

Carl Rudolph Stargher

Peter Novak

Anne Marie Vicksey

Edward Baines

Henry West

Dr. Barry Cooperman

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avatar van ForrestHanks


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Fantastic, sickly, gloomy, frightening, eye-pleasing and intriguing film. Truly a work of art in my opinion.

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avatar van Filmkriebel


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Own DVD collection. A film that overwhelmed me at the time and that I have still seen in the cinema. A serial killer falls into a coma shortly after the kidnapping of his last victim. A psychotherapist must penetrate his depraved mind to discover the victim's location before she dies a horrific death. Visually, I found those oniric scenes very well done. They tell about the origin of the evil that moves Stargher and go to the root of his psychosis. I found the direction by Tarsem Singh, full of symbolism, innovative and fresh. Unfortunately, this film has not been well received, but the more recent voices make me a little more hopeful. I would say: don't believe the sour comments here (they have not eaten a cake with these kinds of films) and give this a chance. The projection in a sick mind is seldom so intrusive as here. I found that "I'm already in" scene very creepy. It may not mean much; still I think it's a very creative approach to the serial killer spirit...and one hell of a movie.

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Just not.

First official contact with director Singh as far as I know. At least with his more creative kind of films, because I don't actually count Snow White as a film he directed. Everything about The Cell also indicates that a lot of freedom was given to the director, but a bit too much in this case in my opinion.

This film does not lack the necessary beautiful shots, there are really great scenes with beautiful colors and cinematography. In that respect, the film is quite successful, but Singh goes a bit too much over-the-top in the end with downright ridiculous costumes and a completely lost Lopez who clearly doesn't know what to do with the colorful things around her.

The story is well made up but poorly executed. The images speak too much at the moment, the story itself could have been very intelligent but Singh isn't interested in that and so you get something that could have had a lot of potential but in the end just can't live up to. Also, D'Onofrio isn't scary or menacing enough as the deranged killer.

What follows is a film that still looks good, but since it is not interested in a well thought out story, such a long running time is unnecessary. It doesn't get very complex, and all there is to see are beautifully directed images supported by terrible music and acting, which in turn sucks a lot of potential out of the film.

Undoubtedly there is potential in the film, but this is what you actually get if the director goes for a promising project and is only interested in half of the elaboration. Badly acted and composed, but the beautiful images sometimes make up for it. Singh really does have talent, but just needs to focus on all the necessary elements and not half of it.

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