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Cape Fear (1991)

Crime | 128 minutes
3,58 2.157 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 128 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Stars: Robert De Niro, Nick Nolte and Jessica Lange

IMDb score: 7,3 (223.901)

Releasedate: 13 November 1991

Cape Fear plot

"Sam Bowden has always provided for his family's future. But the past is coming back to haunt them."

Max Cady is released for assault after 14 years and seeks out the lawyer who then withheld evidence that could have exonerated him. He threatens the lawyer who uses legal means to protect his wife and daughter of almost 16 (the same age as the victim). The man learned to read in prison and also studied law.

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“Counselor! Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Excellent film by Scorsese. De Niro is great as Max Cady, and Lange and Lewis are also doing well. The setting (especially at the end) and the cinematography create a chilling atmosphere, and the tension is pushed to its limits, especially at the end. Downside is Nick Nolte, who has a somewhat boring (perhaps the intention?) role and also doesn't know how to give it much color. Scorsese doesn't manage to maintain the tension, especially in the middle section, and especially the hassle between De Niro and Lewis doesn't really work. But everything is made up for in the last section. With a fabulous final scene.

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Seen two decades ago, the impression the film made at the time ensures that certain scenes and the title are still in the head. The film no longer has the quality of then, but despite some dated moments, the film still makes a good impression.

Scorsese as we know him regularly, a calm build-up with fast editing, tells the story Cady versus Bowden. Something that starts off calmly and gets worse and worse. Subtle is the fact that Cady basically does nothing that violates the law and Bowden feels increasingly cornered and wants to go through with all possible means. Subtly, the former counselor seems to be set up to do stupid things. A cycle that takes increasingly dramatic forms and contains increasingly worse things with a decent climax as a result.

Scorsese's style is recognizable, something that hurts a bit in the beginning. He wants to go through the introduction too quickly, the editing is rather mediocre and playing with inverted colors or a screen that turns completely red is no longer of this time. Despite this, the film still makes an excellent impression once it's started and De Niro is still doing great as a diligent sadist. In addition, the tension within the family is played well and the soundtrack is as recognizable as it is memorable.

Cape Fear is therefore a must see as a psychological thriller that is already old but still has very strong points. As far as I'm concerned, CF is still a great film.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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A year after Goodfellas, but this movie feels older. And especially dated. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, until I saw the correct description above: clownish. Because that's what this movie is. Especially DeNiro's game too. A potentially strong film is thus reasonably destroyed and the film then still starts nicely but starts to disappoint more and more and the final really takes too long. Visually, the camera work in particular stands out, where quite a bit of experimentation is done, but it looks rather clumsy than it is really good. 2.5*.

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