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Red (2008)

Drama | 93 minutes
3,40 290 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Trygve Allister Diesen and Lucky McKee

Stars: Brian Cox, Tom Sizemore and Kim Dickens

IMDb score: 6,9 (13.237)

Releasedate: 8 August 2008

Red plot

"They should have told the truth..."

The elderly Avery Ludlow is a withdrawn, somewhat lonely man who has only one friend, his 14-year-old four-legged friend Red. His world comes crashing down when three budding youngsters kill the animal for no reason. Avery is determined to make justice prevail one way or the other.

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  • 955 messages
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With this average I expected more from this film. Nowhere was I sucked into the story, despite the acting. Because it is well acted.
The ending was a bit good, but I could still agree with that.

All in all, it's still too little to be a really good film.

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In the beginning I had the idea that this film could still be a hit, but as time went on, the film unfortunately could not live up to this expectation. That doesn't take away from the fact that it is indeed a good film, which you really just have to see.

And I can't help but mention that Brian Cox plays a hell of a role.


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Good film about a man who wants justice when some guys shoot his dog. Not your standard revenge film with an emphasis on violence or even retaliation. A good build where everything goes from bad to worse. Brian Cox shows a fine piece of acting and also has a nice monologue here.

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