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Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)

Comedy | 117 minutes
3,15 288 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Richard Linklater

Stars: Blake Jenner, Temple Baker and Tyler Hoechlin

IMDb score: 6,9 (62.083)

Releasedate: 30 March 2016

Everybody Wants Some!! plot

"Here for a good time. Not a long time."

1980, Texas. The story follows a group of friends within their first year of college. They try to navigate the freedoms and responsibilities during these early years of adulthood. In addition, they are still trying to work their way up to the baseball team.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jake Bradford

Kenny Roper

Glen McReynolds

Charlie Willoughby

Billy 'Beuter Perkins' Autrey

Tyrone Plummer

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I thought Dazed and Confused was quite a nice film, Linklater's attempt to make a sequel to it goes completely wrong. This comedy-without-humor about a number of overaged, caricatural students annex baseball players is not so much destroyed by disappointing acting —which barely reaches the level of high school amateurs, by the way — but by endless quasi-philosophical chatter and artificially tough behaviour. The music is actually the only thing that keeps this film going.

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Good film about a group of baseball-playing students who get together before the school year starts. The film is set in the early 1980s and manages to capture the era in a nice way (especially the clothing). There is no real story, but it all looks easy. Similar in many ways to Dazed and Confused, but the characters here are just a little less engaging and less varied.

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Unpopular opinion, but I definitely like this one better than Dazed and Confused.

Acting performances are very natural, you immediately believe that you are really watching a couple of growing twenty-somethings who don't know everything perfectly yet, but in the meantime try to enjoy what campus life has to offer them. Bunch of different figures together who are connected by baseball, their age, and in quite a few cases having an (attempted) mustache and that works wonderfully. Seems a reasonable time document to me too, just the opening scene with the fantastic music, ditto car and ditto tight jeans in which the behind of the ladies is perfectly expressed. Atmosphere is immediately set, and set correctly. I won't argue that the story could have been better, but I definitely enjoyed it.

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