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The Jungle Book (2016)

Adventure | 106 minutes
3,62 1.784 votes

Genre: Adventure / Drama

Duration: 106 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Jon Favreau

Stars: Neel Sethi, Bill Murray and Ben Kingsley

IMDb score: 7,3 (297.527)

Releasedate: 7 April 2016

The Jungle Book plot

"The legend will never be the same."

Mowgli is a human child raised by a family of wolves. When the dangerous tiger Shere Khan returns to the jungle, Mowgli discovers he is no longer welcome. Forced to leave his familiar place, Mowgli embarks on a fascinating journey of self-discovery, assisted by the panther Bagheera and Baloo the bear. Along the way, Mowgli encounters other creatures from the jungle who are also after him.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Baloo (voice)

Bagheera (voice)

Shere Khan (voice)

King Louie (voice)

Raksha (voice)

Ikki (voice)

Young Wolf #1 (voice)

All Media

Trailer & other videos

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  • 87411 messages
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Not really impressed.

The original is far from my favorite Disney. Very patchy, very limited animation and too many annoying songs. But this movie promised to be some kind of CG milestone, so in itself I was curious. Favreau in itself is not an annoying director either.

The CG is certainly up to standard, but I wouldn't say that the animals looked lifelike. Better than before, but they often still lack weight and movements/behaviours often look a bit uncomfortable. Now that's partly because they do non-animal things, but still. Much more annoying I found the voice acting, which in many cases is simply pasted over. How much better it would have been if everyone had just kept their mouths shut, it's not that the dialogues add something and the story is incomprehensible without it.

Only the singing Walker is hilarious. Brilliant idea to give him just that character + song. Almost unreal, I think the only thing that will really stay with me about this film. I also found the rest of the voice actors not very special, Johansson and Elba even downright bad. Sethi is also just an annoying little guy.

A rather simple adventure. I thought the dark elements were only moderately successful, the action scenes could have been a little more exciting and the ending a little less rushed. Man, Favreau can do better and I thought the earlier live action Disney reboots were a bit more daring. This Jungle Book would have been better without talking animals, now it's a film that limps too much on two legs.


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Duke Nukem

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This movie surprised me. Normally I'm not into computer-animated movies because they usually look very fake, but this Jungle Book looks very neat. The animals move very naturally, especially the tiger 'convinces'. The young boy does not act badly and the voice actors are well cast. Bill Murray brings the necessary humor as Baloo the bear and Scarlet Johansson with her hoarse voice plays a seductive (and this time a female) Kaa the sssslang. It took me a while to realize that Christopher Walken was providing King Louie's voice. What a giant orangutan that is, by the way! It looks like a cousin of King Kong. Also, Baloo sometimes seems to tower over Mowgli, while at other times he seems a lot smaller. The end credits with the book are very nicely done and the songs too. I doubt between 3.5 and 4*. For the animations, the acting and the voices this deserves more than enough, but the story is very simple and the humor is rather sparse.

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A superfluous remake of the beloved animated film of the same name in which Bill Murray (as Baloo) and Neel Sethi (as Mowgli) are also unwise enough to mutilate the classic 'The Bare Necessities'? Looks more like a computer game than a movie, but good voice renditions from Kingsley (as Bagheera) and Idris Elba (as Shere Khan) and the still entertaining story are just enough to keep you awake.

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