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The Purple Plain (1954)

War | 100 minutes
3,11 77 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Robert Parrish

Stars: Gregory Peck, Win Min Than and Brenda De Banzie

IMDb score: 6,5 (2.547)

Releasedate: 14 September 1954


The Purple Plain plot

"His peak of adventure!"

It is two days before the end of the war. Squadron Leader Bill Forrester has been mad for months, according to his friends in the military. He is sent on a routine flight along with a new navigator to transport a friend of his. Along the way, they run into problems with the engine and crash. Many kilometers away from the camp they decide to return with little water.

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Nice war movie with a nice and interesting story.

Well filmed with the necessary tension.

Sometimes it misses something, but actors do a good job.

3 stars

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Take your chance at the thrift store, because who knows, you might just find a lost classic, something that the text on the box is convinced is a classic. But that didn't come true, in fact The Purple Plain was quite disappointing.

War and Gregory Peck, something like that creates expectations, why I don't really know if it should be sentiment towards The Guns Of Navarone, because apart from that Peck is nine times out of ten a stiff rake with a gruff voice. At the start, the synopsis does not seem too crazy, it is especially nice to meet Bernard Lee and the film looks like it was made with care.

But it quickly ends there, even though the image is not that crazy of Forrester, who suffers from war neurosis, but in terms of story it all takes much too long and offers far too little. For example, the hassle in the village and Anna can hardly interest me. It is only from the bombardment of the civilian targets and the population on the run that the film gives life to a little drama and intensity. The crash of Forrester then comes much too late and the film digs its grave further with the incomprehensible reference to helicopters, because there were none at the time, and I think it's very strange that they stay with the burnt-out wreckage, since this just happens to Japs on can pull.

It has long been clear that The Purple Plain is fighting a losing battle. No, this was nothing special, could not captivate and is certainly not a lost classic.

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For a 1954 and great war movie, Gregory Peck's character's PTSD is well portrayed for such an old movie. Otherwise a nice film, but my fav war film by Gregory is and remains The Guns Of Navarone.

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