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Ride with the Devil (1999)

Drama | 138 minutes / 148 minutes (director's cut)
3,07 209 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 138 minuten / 148 minuten (director's cut)

Country: United States

Directed by: Ang Lee

Stars: Tobey Maguire and Skeet Ulrich

IMDb score: 6,7 (14.827)

Releasedate: 24 November 1999

Ride with the Devil plot

"In a No-man's Land between North and South, You didn't fight for the Blue or the Grey... You fought for your friends and family."

Jack Bull and Jake Roedel are good friends as the American Civil War begins. Jack's father is murdered by the Union army. Jack and Jake join the South to fight for themselves. After some fighting, they have to go into hiding with two others from the Confederate army in a hut they built themselves. The hut stands on the floor of a man who has a recently widowed daughter-in-law. Jack Bull falls in love, but then the man who owned the ground is murdered. In a last chance to save him, they try to amputate his arm, without success. Jake and the two other Southerners, Holt and Georges, go back to the army.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jack Bull Chiles

Jake Roedel

Sue Lee Shelley

George Clyde

Orton Brown

Black John

Riley Crawford

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avatar van LuukRamaker


  • 2009 messages
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Slow and somewhat boring film about an interesting subject. In itself it is nice to see the course of the American Civil War in the western(er) states (the Lawrence massacre first) and the setting and design are admirable, but Ride with the Devil couldn't keep up for the full two and a half hours. Lead actor Tobey Maguire walks around like a simple soul, although I don't know if that's because of him. Perhaps his character is just not interesting enough to carry the film. I found the roles of Jeffrey Wright and Simon Baker a lot stronger and more interesting. They managed to convince a bit more, although they were not really able to save this tame film with that.

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All but one of (Hulk) I have seen all the films of the versatile director Ang Lee. On the whole, his films can count on a high rating from me. That is no longer the case with this film. After reviewing I have to come to the conclusion that this is by far the weakest Ang Lee film. The story doesn't appeal to me at all—much better films have been made about the American Civil War—and I also find the acting to be of a questionable level. That certainly applies to Toby Maguire, who has never really charmed me except for his role as Spider-man.

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Roger Thornhill

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Difficult to rate film that actually gets better in retrospect. A beautiful depiction of a chaotic battle in which men (sometimes still boys) are dragged into a conflict they did not ask for, but in which circumstances sometimes force them to develop into bandits for whom it hardly matters that they are ever the direct neighbors of their next victims were – where have we heard that before? The cast is very convincing, with Jeffrey Wright as the freed slave Daniel Holt in the lead and Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the psychopathic Pitt Mackeson close behind, but I continue to struggle with the portrayal of Tobey Maguire: the role of reluctant soldier in the beginning is him tailor-made, but in the course of the film I don't see him hardening into a man who, understandably, has been able to hold his own in all the violence. The film also ends a bit very abruptly, but the impact of the whole and the clever way in which I as a viewer get more and more feeling for the fading moral boundaries still bring me to 4*.

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