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The Object of My Affection (1998)

Romance | 111 minutes
2,69 320 votes

Genre: Romance / Comedy

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Nicholas Hytner

Stars: Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston

IMDb score: 6,0 (21.915)

Releasedate: 17 April 1998

The Object of My Affection plot

"Sometimes The Most Desirable Relationship Is The One You Can't Have"

George and Nina seem like the perfect couple. They live together, have a lot in common, and love each other. However, there is a problem: George is gay. Things get complicated when Nina announces she's pregnant. Nina's boyfriend wants to get married, but Nina wants to stay independent. George will do anything to help Nina, but is he willing to be a father to her child?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Nina Borowski

George Hanson

Sidney Miller

Rodney Fraser

Vince McBride

Dr. Robert Joley

Constance Miller

Frank Hanson

Dr. Goldstein

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  • 180 messages
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Beautiful honest film with a satisfying ending. I find Paul Rudd very annoying in some movies, but here he acted great, he and Aniston did very well together.

A romantic comedy that is not at all as cliché as you might expect, highly recommended!

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I liked him. I really liked him! It doesn't really stand out from other films in this genre, but it still had something that touched me. I think it was mostly the chemistry between Aniston and Rudd. It wasn't so much about romance or love in this film. There was just a beautiful and close friendship between the two of them and that was nice to see.

The ends well, already well ending is part of a movie like this and that looked good too. Too bad you don't get to see Nina getting with that cop. You can see how they meet but it would have been nice to see how they got along. Then you would still have had a bit of romance in the film. Other than that, it's definitely a good rom-com.

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Duke Nukem

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There is indeed very little to laugh about with this much too long and dragging romcom. It's mostly a lot of drama. Nice to see Rachel and Mike from Friends together again, after I already saw them in Wanderlust (2012). I think they both seem very sympathetic, but carrying an entire film is too much to ask I'm afraid.

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