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If Only (2004)

Drama | 92 minutes
3,42 333 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Gil Junger

Stars: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Paul Nicholls and Tom Wilkinson

IMDb score: 7,0 (34.297)

Releasedate: 23 January 2004

If Only plot

"He loved her like there was no tomorrow."

Samantha is head over heels in love with Ian. Ian also loves Samantha but finds it difficult to express his feelings. She is rather impulsive and studies violin at the London Music School, although she aspires to a singing career. He is a focused young business executive. When Samantha dies after her recital, Ian's world collapses. But when he wakes up in the morning, Samantha is alive and well in bed next to him. Seeing his dream as an omen, Ian does everything he can to prevent her death and prove his unconditional love for her.

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Fortunately I read here and there that the first half hour was pretty bad, otherwise I think I would have dropped it. That first half hour is horribly bad. The acting is very amateurish and the film has nothing else to offer in that half hour, bad script, bad dialogues, no chemistry, and also bad cinematically. The second half hour starts to work itself up a bit, and the last half hour is certainly not bad, although the acting remains substandard. It wasn't until the end in the hospital that Jennifer Love Hewitt convinced me with her acting. After that scene, I thought it went downhill again.

I went to watch this one because of the high score and the interesting story in itself. It is striking that the MM score is higher than on IMDb, you never see that. Honestly, I can't understand the high MM rating on this movie either, a good ending with a twist can't save a movie that's bad half the time as far as I'm concerned.

2 to 2.5* thin stars, for the story and the ending.

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A good comedy/drama/fantasy/romance movie...

Good story...

Good acting...

Well-known actor Tom Wilkinson ...

Reasonably HD quality widescreen...

Great sound

(no Dolby Digital present)...

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Pure fantasy and romance with too much sentiment and tears towards the end. Jennifer Love Hewitt has the perfect face to look super sympathetic and Paul Nicholls fits right in with that.

All in all a decent level.

The moral lesson is actually: You only really realize what you have or could have if you don't have it (anymore)...

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