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My Sassy Girl (2008)

Drama | 92 minutes
2,92 393 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Yann Samuell

Stars: Jesse Bradford, Elisha Cuthbert and Jay Patterson

IMDb score: 6,2 (20.682)

Releasedate: 26 May 2008


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


My Sassy Girl plot

"She's beautiful, smart, funny and totally crazy."

Lonely Charlie Bellow (Jesse Bradford) comes from a small village in Central America. His loneliness is over when he falls in love with Jordan Roark (Elisha Cuthbert). She has some strange character traits that get them into trouble together.

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A tasteless remake of the beautiful Korean film Yeopgijeogin Geunyeo (2001). Shameless too, because some of the dialogues are literally the same as in the original, albeit in a different language. Compared to the original, this is 2x nothing, despite the fact that Elisha Cuthbert and Jesse Bradford do their very best. Unfortunately, they fall far short of their Korean counterparts in terms of talent. The camera work is also a lot less than the original.

Forget this movie and watch the wonderfully hilarious original.

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It was certainly not up to Samuell, who does his best to make a nice film of this remake. Look through the characters and you can see from everything that this movie should have been a lot more fun. I didn't like the original at all, my first introduction to the Korean film and immediately a big turn-off, this remake is in any case much more manageable.

In any case, there is a lot to enjoy visually. Nice introduction that is quickly reminiscent of Jeux d'Enfants, but also later in the film it remains fun and colorful. It's a shame that Samuell has lost his twist over the years, because it all looks very nice.

But unfortunately the main characters still do everything they can to throw a spanner in the works. Cuthbert is a terrible actress, Bradford is also barely acceptable in this film. What a saltless couple, I would have dumped them both as soon as possible I think.

And then Samuell can still do his best, two salt bags in the lead roles in a romantic film, you can never get that right again. Apart from the two, the scenes still work reasonably well, the original equals Samuell with his eyes closed, but this film could have been much nicer.


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My Sassy Girl

A somewhat uninspired remake of the beautiful South Korean Yeopgijeogin geunyeo. The film lacks the magic of the original and many scenes are almost direct copies. Bradford and Cuthbert are also a lot less than their South Korean colleagues and especially Bradford is a bit dull and lacks charisma. Cuthbert does her best and is the strongest point of the film.

My Sassy Girl loses points especially in the field of atmosphere and sharpness. You don't really sympathize with the characters and I missed that little bit of venom and humor that made the original so good. In terms of cinematography and music, it is also unconvincing. The ending is nicely done. The original is always better and the same is true here.

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