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St. Ives plot
"He's clean. He's mean. He's the go-between."
Abner Procane, a highly skilled burglar, discovers that someone has stolen his plan for his next ambitious burglary. He hires Raymond St. Ives to negotiate the documents with the person.
Redelijke film die helaas te traag op gang komt maar richting het einde wat interessanter werd. Leuk om en aantal bekende gezichten in de cast te zien. Ik vond Bronson goed alhoewel hij betere films heeft gemaakt. Het leuke aan dit soort films vind ik de tijd waarin ze spelen met de bijbehorende attributen zoals die mooie auto's. Ook de muziek past er prima bij. Geen topper maar wel leuk om gezien te hebben.
A reasonable film that unfortunately starts too slowly but became a bit more interesting towards the end. Nice to see some familiar faces in the cast. I liked Bronson although he has made better films. The nice thing about these kinds of films is the time in which they play with the associated attributes such as those beautiful cars. The music also fits well. Not the best, but nice to see.