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Per un Pugno di Dollari (1964)

Western | 99 minutes
3,67 1.578 votes

Genre: Western

Duration: 99 minuten

Alternative titles: A Fistful of Dollars / For a Fistfull of Dollars / Voor een Handvol Dollars

Country: Italy / Spain / West Germany

Directed by: Sergio Leone

Stars: Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch and Gian Maria Volonté

IMDb score: 7,9 (240.354)

Releasedate: 12 September 1964

Per un Pugno di Dollari plot

"In his own way he is, perhaps, the most dangerous man who ever lived!"

The dangerous Man Without a Name drives into a town, where it turns out that two groups are at war: the Baxters and the Rojos. Rather than helping out, as many others would, he tries to pit the two groups against each other for financial gain.

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The starting shot of the spaghetti western, a few careers and the Man with No Name, but I can no longer make it more than a blank slate. Whatever language you play, the dubs are terrible and that gets even worse because the film isn't very taciturn either and the dialogues themselves are usually wooden in nature. Very little about it and with the hysterical laughter and the wailing child even quite irritating. The cast is immediately ready for the effort.

It's really only when the gentlemen stare in front of them in silence and Leone takes his close-ups from the stable to show their unsavory heads in full regalia that they at least make an impression. Furthermore, there is not much to do with these Rojos and Baxters. With a rambling story, there isn't much of a sweaty atmosphere either and Morricone's contribution is at its strongest when it calms down and is used more in the context of a specific scene.

No points from me for the times it starts to frolic and that jolly whistle is used. Eastwood will get a few. Not a fan further, but from the hassle with the donkey he has the necessary look with his surly looks, the cigar and the poncho. His role in the chapter between two camps does not provide an interesting middle section, but towards the end, where Leone's style comes into its own, it still comes alive. Let that be the basis for the next part.

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Personally, I like this one just a little less than the two that would follow.
That's partly due to missing Lee Van Cleef, but it's in more than that.
The atmosphere is slightly less and Eastwood easily touches everyone and everything that comes his way. In addition, Leone lets a number of scenes run a bit too long, such as the scene in which the gold of the cavalry is stolen, but also the shootout in the graveyard.
Still, helped a lot by the soundtrack, this remains a very entertaining Western.

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Per un Pugno di Dollari

The first part of Sergio Leone's “the Dollars” trilogy. For me the least film, but Per un Pugno di Dollari has enough strong points for an atmospheric Western. Eastwood, Koch, Volonté, the fantastic music, the long stretched scenes, little dialogue, etc. You can usually pick out Leone's films like this, and it's a feast of recognition every time.

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