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The Predator (2018)

Action | 107 minutes
2,38 621 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 107 minuten

Alternative title: Predator 4

Country: United States

Directed by: Shane Black

Stars: Boyd Holbrook, Trevante Rhodes and Jacob Tremblay

IMDb score: 5,3 (152.278)

Releasedate: 5 September 2018

The Predator plot

"The hunt has evolved."

Quinn McKenna is a former Special Forces commando who has just discovered the existence of the violent Predators. However, no one wants to believe him. His son Rory has a form of autism and is the target of ridicule at school. He discovers that he can understand the language of the aliens, making him an important asset to his father's team.

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  • 2578 messages
  • 3662 votes

Disappointing part, expected more from Shane Black. There are too many forced, bland dialogues. Also, most of the characters are too cliché for words. It's a shame because they have a decent cast. Although it is of all people Sterling K. Brown that bothered me the most. Usually very strongly correct. The action is still okay, but CGI still leaves a lot to be desired and the Predator doesn't look like much. Fortunately, there are still some nice moments in it and it is sometimes bearable in the cinema.


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  • 269 messages
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An excellent Predator film that can hold its own. Of course you shouldn't compare the film with the previous Predators. This is a great movie with great acting. The movie just does what it's supposed to do. Be a good action/sf movie with a decent storyline and special effects.

In my opinion, the editing has been done very well, so that the film runs smoothly and the scenes flow together well. The camera work is also fine and the suspense is not comparable to the old Predators. They have opted for a somewhat smoother, action- and dialogue-driven film that fits well with this time. The old Predators sometimes want to fall asleep during the quieter moments, but this film keeps the tension tight. The timing of the humor is also great.

My conclusion is that this is a good bee Predator that is fine to chew. I found Predators (2010) very mediocre with a trite story. This one is refreshing for what you can do with it now, after you've seen that predator character a dozen times. IMAX 3D is good, especially because the sound is well mixed. 3D is light but enough and does not disturb. Nice R-rated and I like that.

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“Predators don't just sit around making hats out of rib cages. They conquered space.”

Terrible. I already went into the film with few expectations, but The Predator manages to exceed those low expectations in a negative way. This is uninspired, lazy, bad and a big middle finger to the original Predator.

The Predator is full of boring action scenes, and the actors are also doing something. Munn, Brown and Strahovski all take it way too seriously, and they seem to be in a different movie than the other actors. But at least they're still trying, because Jane, Holbrook and Rhodes are totally shameless. Only Keegan-Michael Key manages to make a little impression, but he has a thankless supporting role. This is really a bad product.

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