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Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987)

Comedy | 93 minutes
3,36 993 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 93 minuten

Alternative title: Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Country: United States

Directed by: John Hughes

Stars: Steve Martin, John Candy and Laila Robins

IMDb score: 7,6 (168.420)

Releasedate: 26 November 1987

Planes, Trains & Automobiles plot

"What he really wanted was to spend Thanksgiving with his family. What he got was three days with the turkey."

A businessman wants to visit his family for Thanksgiving. He meets a man who steals his taxi in front of him and after their second meeting at the airport, the man - who sells shower rings - doesn't leave him alone anymore. Due to problems with the weather, they are stranded somewhere halfway. It will be a tough journey, with planes, trains and cars.

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  • 159 messages
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Almost 30 years old and has lost none of its shine. The power lies in the interaction between Candy and Martin. As a director you hope that the actors will click, but something almost unique happens here. Their timing is so fantastic that every scene feels very strong and natural that has you on the edge of your seat. You hope their journey never ends.

At times I thought of Laurel & Hardy. Physically, which is quite obvious, dynamics and chemistry. While the Dikke and the Dunne mainly occupied with slapstick, you get to see almost the entire range of humor at Planes, Trains & Automobiles. Biting sarcasm, light irony to the necessary throw and throw work.

Incomprehension and the lack of empathy are a common thread in many of John Hughes' films. There is nothing wrong with those kinds of themes and they are still very relevant today. Where it pinches me is the moralizing finger that is pushed down your throat. Fortunately, that is minimal in this production. I regret that John Candy and Steve Martin can't be admired in several movies together. A duo to make your mouth water!

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Night's Watch

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Entertaining comedy, but I wouldn't have expected otherwise from a collaboration between John Hughes and Steve Martin. The film does not go through in being funny and Hughes also gives the characters some baggage. The plot is very simple and predictable, but I expected that beforehand so it didn't bother me.

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This was one of those titles that I've seen pass by, but never got around to actually watching it. And sure enough, it turns out to be a pretty amusing comedy. Neal, played by Steve Martin, is on his way home for Thanksgiving, but the journey isn't exactly smooth sailing - and again and again he runs into Del, the clumsy, clumsy but well-meaning jerk who gets in his way. John Candy and Steve Martin both do a great job, with Steve Martin's growing irritation being very recognizable and John Candy's clumsiness coming across as lifelike. A jerk that doesn't do any harm, but a very irritating jerk. It goes the further the film gets more on the feel-good tour and that was less enjoyable, but overall very well entertained with Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

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