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Bowfinger (1999)

Comedy | 97 minutes
2,69 768 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Frank Oz

Stars: Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy and Heather Graham

IMDb score: 6,5 (75.488)

Releasedate: 12 August 1999

Bowfinger plot

"The con is on."

Director Bobby Bowfinger finally got his hands on the "perfect" script. He hires an ambitious young actress and a crew of illegal immigrants, missing only one thing: the big star Kit Ramsey. However, he doesn't want the part, so there's only one thing for the crew to do: secretly film Kit, and continue to use his look-alike brother.

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K. V.

  • 4211 messages
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Watched this comedy again yesterday and I liked it a little less than the first time. Still a fun movie, but a little less funny than the first viewing. The humor probably won't appeal to everyone either, because it's quite a special/absurd story and the atmosphere is like a bad movie, but it worked. Steve Martin played a very strong role in this film and the double role for Eddie Murphy was also worth it.

Conclusions: Not a waw comedy, but still worth watching.

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Very witty comedy that is never exaggerated. Eddie Murphy plays a fun double role alongside screenwriter Steve Martin. Heather Graham takes care of the feminine side. Also walking around in this movie: Robert Downey Jr. at a forgotten moment in his career.

A nice collection of actors in a film that has a very strong starting point. The filling could be a bit better here and there (cult) but all in all amusing with funny scenes. Which is not always so evident in an American comedy.

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Excellent movie in which a director wants to make a movie with a famous actor without his knowledge. An original story that is nicely developed (especially the inventive way in which the director shoots the scenes) and also takes a sarcastic look at Hollywood. Entertaining characters filled in by an entertaining cast (Eddie Murphy's double role is especially hilarious). A small 4.0 stars.

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