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Go (1999)

Crime | 103 minutes
3,38 684 votes

Genre: Crime / Comedy

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Doug Liman

Stars: Katie Holmes, Jay Mohr and Sarah Polley

IMDb score: 7,2 (77.218)

Releasedate: 9 April 1999

Go plot

"Life begins at 3am."

We see the story of a group of Californian youths from three different perspectives. They try to make money by dealing, use drugs themselves, and go out in Las Vegas.

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Wonderfully refreshing work in Liman's earlier years and there is also one as I would like to see it: a nice crazy comedy that mainly has the sharp edges than those uber-flaky comedies in which there is more screaming than performance.

With Go(!) Liman has succeeded in writing a nice, skilled mosaic story about characters who accidentally end up in the drug scene and where the story of one is more humorous than the other. The best of all I thought was the one with those 3 youngsters, especially the antisocial Englishman Simon, who really steals the role on all sides and here it is also nice and crazy, crazy and slick and the road movie shades are allowed. also look around the corner here and there. The other 2 stories, however, are a bit less cheerful, and that's what I think is the most unique thing about this film.

Actors are still relatively unknown to me, but Timothy Olyphant certainly plays a very special role as a relatively creative drug dealer. Ronna's wimpy friend was also hilarious and of course, Simon steals, as I said above, the show. And of course there was also a phenomenal soundtrack coming here.

Very much enjoyed! Nice appetizer before Liman came up with very expensive blockbusters.


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Another film where a number of events are viewed from different points of view. It's not all bad and the acting is nice, but finally it's only about a few antics and the story is therefore a bit meager and also predictable. But it must have been one of the first films according to that concept, so that's why 3.5 stars

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“So, what are we doing for New Year's?”

Smooth movie. The film has a lot of momentum and it reminds a bit of Pulp Fiction with teenagers and young adults. The magic of Pulp Fiction is nowhere to be found, but the film looks nice and has a special kind of humor that I can appreciate.

Go has three stories that are intertwined. The first two are interesting, but the third story about two men working undercover for the police is less so. There are quite a few well-known faces among the actors and they are all doing well. Great entertainment.

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