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Pleasantville (1998)

Comedy | 124 minutes
3,40 880 votes

Genre: Comedy / Fantasy

Duration: 124 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Gary Ross

Stars: Tobey Maguire, Reese Witherspoon and Jeff Daniels

IMDb score: 7,5 (138.375)

Releasedate: 17 September 1998

Pleasantville plot

"Nothing is as simple as black and white."

David and his sister Jennifer are suddenly magically transported to the black and white world of Pleasantville after an argument over the remote control. Pleasantville is a 1950s TV series that David always watches and where everything in life is enjoyable. Their appearance turns the town upside down.

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I recently saw this movie for the 3rd (or 4th?) time. I think he's getting more and more beautiful. Not only the artful use of black and white and color, but also the storyline appeal to me. Not to mention, of course, the clear messages: the fear of the new and unknown, the massive attack on the restaurant, the book burning, the lawsuit over the search for your own identity, etc. As far as I was concerned, Would have liked some more 50's music. But I'm already happy that I was able to listen to Dave Brubeck's wonderful “Tave Five” again. The acting performances are of an excellent level with Joan Allen as the highlight. But yes, it's always good. A truly wonderful film that takes me all the way back to my high school years.

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“They're happy like this.”

“No, David. Nobody's happy in a poodle skirt and a sweater set.”

Original and imaginative film about two modern youngsters who end up in a 1950s TV show. For example, these people have no idea what books and paintings are, or what sex and rain means. And that makes for fun confrontations.

Especially the use of black and white and colors together is original and produces some beautiful scenes. The acting is also very strong. In the second part, director Gary Ross wants to come up with a moral message, but it lacks sharpness and the generally light-hearted tone gets in the way. But Pleasantville is an intriguing film for sure.

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