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Dogville (2003)

Drama | 178 minutes / 138 minutes (alternatieve ingekorte versie)
3,65 1.592 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 178 minuten / 138 minuten (alternatieve ingekorte versie)

Country: Denmark / Sweden / United Kingdom / France / Germany / Netherlands / Norway / Finland / Italy

Directed by: Lars von Trier

Stars: Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany and Harriet Andersson

IMDb score: 8,0 (161.306)

Releasedate: 19 May 2003


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Dogville plot

"A quiet little town not far from here."

During one of his evening walks, Tom Edison meets the attractive Grace. The young woman is completely confused and turns out to be on the run from a group of men who have shot her. Tom takes her home, but the residents of Dogville aren't exactly thrilled to welcome Grace into their midst. Still, Tom manages to convince the villagers to give her shelter. In return, Grace must spend an hour each day with each resident of the village.

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It is different, and there is also good playing, but 3 hours is a very long time. Pfffff.... I just couldn't get used to it, plays are not for me. I didn't enjoy this at all.

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“I think the world would be better without Dogville.”

Von Trier and I will never be a good combination, but Dogville is certainly not bad. Goddess Kidman, the other actors, the original and inventive theater setting and of course the music, Dogville has many pluses. And the strong and black ending is well done. Unfortunately, Dogville is also way too long and Von Trier is once again going at it like a steamroller.

Von Trier likes to show the dark side of man in his films, but goes so far that he misses the mark. He wants to cram all the bad qualities of human beings into one movie and the result is that I'm looking at caricatures more than flesh-and-blood people. The villagers are so in and in bad that at one point I wondered if Von Trier himself takes his characters seriously. The ending is strong, but also a bit problematic. Because Bettany's character may be a first-rate bastard with no backbone, but does he deserve death for that? And a rapist? Von Trier stays true to his vision, but the result is a morbid film full of one-dimensional characters. Even Angel Kidman turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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K. V.

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Tried this one and thought it was successful. A very remarkable film, because it is visually something completely different. A kind of filmed play with very little decor.

A lot of famous people in this film, although it was mainly Nicole Kidman who stood out.

The film was very long, but it wasn't boring at all. I actually had no expectations, but it was worth seeing.

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