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Gunsmoke (1955-1975)

20 seasons
3,72 50 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Western

Origin: United States

Developed by: Charles Marquis Warren

Stars: James Arness, Milburn Stone and Amanda Blake

IMDb score: 8,1 (9.283)

Releasedate: 10 september 1955


Gunsmoke plot

Marshall Matt Dillon runs Dodge City, a city in the Wild West where people often have no respect for the law. He deals daily with the problems associated with life on the border: cattle theft, gunfights, brawls, intimidation and fraud. Situations like this call for common sense and brave actions, and Marshall Dillon has plenty of those in store.

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  • 11581 votes
Saturday 15 September 2018
Gunsmoke season 1

One of the best western series ever made, the first seasons were in black and white and lasted 30 minutes Black and White (1955-1966) many famous guest roles from famous western stars of that time participated in this top series. James Arness played Marshal Matt Dillon during its 20-year run, the longest continuous period that an actor has played the same role on the same show in prime-time. From 1955 to 1961, Gunsmoke was a half-hour program, then it became an hour program. The series was broadcast in black and white from 1955 to 1965, then (from 1965 to 1975) in color. In the early 1960s, older episodes of the series were rebroadcast under the name Marshal Dillon. Marshal Dillon's sidekick Deputy Chester B. Goode was also played by aspiring star Dennis Weaver (1955-1964) who at one point retired and his role was taken over by Ken Curtis as the wimpy and cocky Deputy Festus Hagen with his ramshackle vote and never a horse but a mule. The chemistry between the characters Matt Dillon and Festus was unprecedented. You also had Doc" - Doctor Galen Adams played by Milburn Stone and the bar owner Miss Kitty" Russell played by Amanda Blake. In the early years of the series, the recently deceased Burt Reynolds also had a small role as Quint Asper (blacksmith; 1962-1965). James Arness starred in all 635 episodes as the famous Marshal Matt Dillon. I watched this top series on Germany under the name Rauchende Colts and it really stayed with me.

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