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The Hitchhiker (1983-1991)

6 seasons
2,50 8 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Horror

Origin: United States

Developed by: Richard Rothstein, Riff Markowitz and Lewis Chesler

Stars: Page Fletcher, Nicholas Campbell and Vincent Grass

IMDb score: 6,7 (1.942)

Releasedate: Wednesday 23 November 1983


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


The Hitchhiker plot

This series consists of a series of thriller and horror stories, all linked to the character of The Hitchhiker, who introduces and concludes each episode. The Hitchhiker is a hitchhiker along a deserted road surrounded by darkness, with danger lurking behind every bend. Take him if you dare. He guides you to your destiny, where the good are spared and the evil are damned.

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