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The Loudest Voice (2019)

3,84 35 votes

Show title: The Loudest Voice

IMDb score: 7,9 (14.891)

Episodes: 7

Playing time: 7 hour

Developed by: Gabriel Sherman, Gabriel Sherman and Tom McCarthy

Stars: Russell Crowe, Naomi Watts and Sienna Miller

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Sunday 30 June 2019

First aired on: Showtime (Verenigde Staten)

The Loudest Voice plot

A look is taken at the last period in the life of Roger Ailes. Flashbacks show how Roger manages to work his way up to the media and then becomes the CEO of news channel Fox. But when presenter Gretchen Carlson sues him for sexual harassment, it soon sets the stage for his downfall.

Episodes Season 1 (2019)

  1. 1. 1995

    30 June 2019 (1 hour)

  2. 2. 2001

    7 July 2019 (1 hour)

  3. 3. 2008

    14 July 2019 (1 hour)

  4. 4. 2009

    21 July 2019 (1 hour)

  5. 5. 2012

    28 July 2019 (1 hour)

  6. 6. 2015

    4 August 2019 (1 hour)

  7. 7. 2016

    11 August 2019 (1 hour)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Roger Ailes

Elizabeth “Beth” Ailes

Reviews & comments

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  • 12473 messages
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Excellent mini-series about Roger Ailes bringing a new news channel to great success. Despite spanning a few decades, it doesn't seem rushed as a whole (especially since each episode focuses on a particular time period). A captivating main character who is ruthless towards his employees. Good make-up and a strong role from Russell Crowe.

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