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The Killing (2011-2014)

4 seasons
3,80 304 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Canada / United States

Developed by: Veena Sud

Stars: Mireille Enos, Joel Kinnaman and Billy Campbell

IMDb score: 8,3 (127.970)

Releasedate: Sunday 3 April 2011

The Killing plot

Based on the Danish TV series Forbrydelsen, The Killing tells the story of the murder of a young girl in Seattle and the ensuing police investigation. The Killing connects three different stories surrounding the murder including the detectives investigating the case, the victim's grieving family and the suspects. The story also explores Seattle's local politics through possible involvement of local politicians. As the series progresses, the more it becomes clear that there are no coincidences, everyone has a secret, the characters think they have moved on with their lives but the past is not over with them.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Sarah Linden

Stephen Holder

Carl Reddick

Regi Darnell

Margaret O'Neal

Lincoln Knopf

AJ Fielding

Mitch Larsen

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Opinions about The Killing

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

avatar of MindlessAssassin


  • 41 votes
Friday 12 May 2023
The Killing season 1

”If the truth hits hard, you ain't livin right.

A rather intriguing first season, of a not too well-known detective series.

The story of Rosie Larsen's murder and the search for her killer is an interesting one. There is a good dynamic to the story. The acting is up to par, although I'm not really convinced of Mireille Enos yet. Her one-faced expression is rather annoying over time. On the other hand, I think Joel Kinnaman is very strong. Although I don't think the chemistry between the two is quite there yet.

The story brings enough twists towards the end to keep it interesting, but they are not plot twists that make your jaw drop. So I don't quite know how to feel about the last episode. Now I can immediately crank up S2 to see how this story unfolds, but if I had followed this series in 2011. I would have been quite disappointed with the ending.

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avatar of AniSter


  • 532 votes
Friday 13 October 2023
The Killing season 1

I have seen the original Danish series prior to this C/US version and the kick-off, the first seasons score equally for me. A well-constructed plot (which spans 2 seasons) with perhaps just too many side steps. The roles of Linden and Holder are well portrayed. It remains quite interesting and is also exciting at times.

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