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Succession - Season 2 (2019)

4,15 174 votes

Show title: Succession

IMDb score: 8,8 (306.587)

Episodes: 10

Playing time: 9 hour and 29 minutes

Developed by: Jesse Armstrong

Stars: Brian Cox, Alan Ruck and Kieran Culkin

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Sunday 11 August 2019

First aired on: HBO (Verenigde Staten)

Succession plot

The Roy family, made up of Logan and his four children, owns the largest media and entertainment company in the world. When Logan turns 80 and is expected to retire, he announces that he will continue as CEO of Waystar Royco. This causes a lot of unrest within the family and not everyone believes that Logan has pure motives. It remains to be seen how the family will deal with this, what consequences this will have for the future of the company and what this will do to the mutual relationships of the Roy family.

Episodes Season 2 (2019)

  1. 1. The Summer Palace

    11 August 2019 (57 minutes)

  2. 2. The Vaulter

    18 August 2019 (56 minutes)

  3. 3. Hunting

    25 August 2019 (57 minutes)

  4. 4. Safe Room

    1 September 2019 (56 minutes)

  5. 5. Tern Haven

    8 September 2019 (57 minutes)

  6. 6. Argestes

    15 September 2019 (55 minutes)

  7. 7. Return

    22 September 2019 (56 minutes)

  8. 8. Dundee

    29 September 2019 (57 minutes)

  9. 9. DC

    6 October 2019 (58 minutes)

  10. 10. This Is Not for Tears

    13 October 2019 (1 hour)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Logan Roy

Marcia Roy

Kendall Roy

Siobhan 'Shiv' Roy

Willa Ferreyra

Connor Roy

Karl Muller

Stewy Hosseini

Karolina Novotney

Frank Vernon

Reviews & comments

avatar van james_cameron


  • 6481 messages
  • 9425 votes

Even stronger than the already not sick first season, especially because this time you are more involved with the characters. The storylines and dialogues here are really top notch. All actors have grown into their roles and each demand attention in their own way. Also very clever to put the whole family together in almost every episode; those moments are where the series is at its best. Painfully funny, emphasizing both the pain and the jokes.

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avatar van Suitehome


  • 719 messages
  • 479 votes

Perhaps slightly less than the sublime S1, but there is still more than enough to enjoy. Like Holly Hunter (in the role of Rhea Jarrell) for example, the re-familiar and great cast and the villainous dialogue. I think it's a find to keep taking trips and outings in the series, in which the home and office garden are left behind. It provides fresh and beautiful locations, new characters and new problems; bankrupt them! And so S2 has succeeded to the core.

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