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Skins (2007-2013)

7 seasons
3,61 150 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Bryan Elsley and Jamie Brittain

Stars: Dakota Blue Richards, Freya Mavor and Joe Dempsie

IMDb score: 8,2 (94.494)

Releasedate: Thursday 25 January 2007

Skins plot

Skins focuses on a group of teenagers who are friends and live in Bristol. They all attend the same high school. Almost every episode features a character who takes center stage. This means that the entire episode is filmed from his/her point of view and the character is also at the center of the storyline in that episode. There are also episodes where no specific character takes center stage. These are often the last episodes of a season.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Thomas Tomone

Francesca "Franky" Fitzgerald

Anwar Kharral

Rich Hardbeck

Mini McGuinness

Alex Henley