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Outer Banks (2020-2024)

4 seasons
3,51 100 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Josh Pate, Jonas Pate and Shannon Burke

Stars: Madelyn Cline, Chase Stokes and Charles Esten

IMDb score: 7,5 (86.862)

Releasedate: Wednesday 15 April 2020


Outer Banks plot

A group of local teens (the "Pogues") go on vacation to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. When a hurricane ends the summer season, it triggers a series of illegal events that force the friends to make life-changing decisions. The search for their leader's missing father, forbidden romances, a treasure hunt and the escalating conflict between the Pogues and their rivals turn their summer into a vacation full of mystery and adventure they'll never forget.

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  • 620 votes
Friday 17 March 2023
Outer Banks season 1

Watched season 1 in 2 times and that often indicates that a series knows how to fascinate and wants to keep watching. Was quite good here too, in the beginning I had to get in a bit, but as I became more fascinated by the characters and went along with the doings of certain characters. Also went straight to season 2, is there on episode 3 and find this a bit more fascinating than season 1, a bit more over the top and action, not always to be taken seriously, but very entertaining.

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