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Le Bureau des Légendes (2015-2020)

5 seasons
4,02 62 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: France

Developed by: Eric Rochant

Stars: Mathieu Kassovitz, Sara Giraudeau and Florence Loiret Caille

IMDb score: 8,7 (14.797)

Releasedate: Monday 27 April 2015

Le Bureau des Légendes plot

Within the French secret service, known as the DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure), a clandestine branch of undercover agents operates. Under false identities, they are sent to countries that have a hostile relationship with France. Their mission is to search for individuals who may be recruited as informants. These agents, who are not allowed to be traceable in any way, are called 'legends'. They play an important role in the French intelligence services. Their lives are remotely coordinated by the Bureau des Légendes.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Guillaume Debailly

Docteur Balmes

Marina Loiseau

Shapur Zamani

César dit « Pacemaker »

Céline Delorme

Jonas Maury

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Opinions about Le Bureau des Légendes

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  • 711 votes
Friday 6 April 2018
Le Bureau des Légendes season 1

It's been a while since I saw this, but in my memory a very okay first season. My Imdb review has been taken and freely translated:

There are about three main issues that may or may not be intertwined or intertwined. It doesn't go fast and focuses mainly on a believable imagination instead of sprinkling unnecessary action, suspense and drama. It may therefore come across as a bit dry and tough, but it does have an effect in the end.

One choice I don't think is very credible, when Malotru brutally pays a visit to Nadia at the airport (ep. 9), doing so would only put her in further danger. The why is clear, but he should have understood that her decision was already made, he was smart enough for that. The ending with 'Cyclone' may have a little too much happy cliché in it, but go ahead.

The acting and cinematography (plus related matters) are perfectly fine, but no more than that. The tone of the whole thing is subdued and the characters seem human (to a degree, because the spy trade also requires a certain degree of dehumanization). It takes a long time for the story to become clear and that only adds to the fun (read: tension) and there is enough to work out for a next season.

So, even though I couldn't always sympathize with the characters, it's still a nice series. It will never knock off a classic like 'Tinker, tailor,...' (1979), but I really didn't have that expectation.

Thick 3.5 * which may be rounded up.

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