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Our Friends in the North (1996)

5,00 1 votes

Show title: Our Friends in the North

IMDb score: 8,6 (2.453)

Episodes: 9

Playing time: 10 hour and 30 minutes

Developed by: Charles Pattinson

Stars: Christopher Eccleston, Mark Strong and Gina McKee

Origin: United Kingdom

Releasedate: Monday 15 January 1996

First aired on: BBC Two (Verenigd Koninkrijk)


This season is not available on US streaming services.


Our Friends in the North plot

The series tells the stories of four friends - Mary, Nicky, Geordie and Tosker - from adolescence to middle age. Their personal triumphs and crises are set against the backdrop of enormous social and political changes in Britain - in particular the rise of Thatcherism and the decline of socialist ideals.

Episodes Season 1 (1996)

  1. 1. 1964

    15 January 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  2. 2. 1966

    22 January 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  3. 3. 1967

    29 January 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  4. 4. 1970

    5 February 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  5. 5. 1974

    12 February 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  6. 6. 1979

    19 February 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  7. 7. 1984

    26 February 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  8. 8. 1987

    4 March 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

  9. 9. 1995

    11 March 1996 (1 hour and 10 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Nicky Hutchinson

Tosker Cox

Geordie Peacock

Felix Hutchinson

Austin Donohue

Eddie Wells

Harold Chapple

Florrie Hutchinson

Benny Barratt

Claudia Seabrook

DCI John Salway

Claud Seabrook

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