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Once and Again (1999-2002)

3 seasons
5,00 6 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick

Stars: Sela Ward, Billy Campbell and Julia Whelan

IMDb score: 7,8 (3.053)

Releasedate: Tuesday 21 September 1999


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Once and Again plot

Lily Manning, separated from her husband, and Rick Sammler, who has been separated for three years, meet by chance when her daughter, Grace, injures her ankle during a soccer game. They feel an immediate attraction. They date but family problems hinder their happiness. Rick's son Eli has academic problems and Lily's daughter Grace feels unpopular and unattractive.

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Opinions about Once and Again

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  • 106 votes
Sunday 9 August 2020
Once and Again season 1

Once and Again is a good series about the consequences of divorce and then starting over. I watched the series at the suggestion of my sister a few years ago when I started dating my current girlfriend, a divorcee with two daughters, so that I kind of knew what to expect. The lead actress in Once and Again is Lilly Manning (Sela Ward). She is divorced from her husband Jake with whom she has two daughters. When she meets Rick Semler (Billy Campbell), divorced father of a son and a daughter, sparks fly and they start dating, but it turns out not as easy as before now that they have to deal with children and exes. The series is very good because even though Lily and Rick are the protagonists, they also show the impact of their actions but also their thoughts. The image then becomes black and white and the relevant character then speaks directly to the camera. Because of this, no one is really unsympathetic. The series is a spin-off of the Thirtysomething series from the 80s, although they only have 1 character in common, supporting character Miles Drentell, but both were created by Edward Zwick, director of Last Samurai. The series is also known for being the first primetime TV teenage LGBT kissing scene. This one is performed by Mischa Barton and Evan Rachel Wood. The series was groundbreaking.

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