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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009-2023)

14 seasons
3,09 146 votes

Alternative title: NCIS: LA

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Shane Brennan and Shane Brennan

Stars: Chris O'Donnell, Daniela Ruah and LL Cool J

IMDb score: 6,8 (58.685)

Releasedate: Tuesday 22 September 2009

NCIS: Los Angeles plot

In Los Angeles, crime picks up and the Special Projects team is deployed to fight and act against the crimes. To do this, the various special agents go undercover, assume a false identity and put their lives on the line every day in the fight against crime.

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Opinions about NCIS: Los Angeles

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  • 2315 votes
Tuesday 4 December 2018
NCIS: Los Angeles season 1

Well, we've had enough by now, many flashy action scenes in which cops, detectives, ... solve crimes. Isn't exceptionally bad or anything but if you've seen one then you've seen the rest in fact.

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