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National Treasure (2016)

1 season
3,14 7 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Jack Thorne

Stars: Robbie Coltrane, Julie Walters and Tim McInnerny

IMDb score: 7,3 (3.403)

Releasedate: Tuesday 20 September 2016

National Treasure plot

Paul Finchley is the familiar half of a popular, long-running comedy act. However, the famous comedian's life is turned upside down when he is accused of past sexual abuse. Paul and his family are faced with accusations and his daughter Dee decides to confront one of the accusers, her former nanny Christina.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Paul Finchley

Marie Finchley

Danielle 'Dee' Finchley

Karl Jenkins

Rebecca Thornton

Jerome Sharpe

Christina Farnborough

Zoe Darwin

Videos and trailers

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Opinions about National Treasure

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  • 654 votes
Wednesday 25 October 2017
National Treasure season 1

British quality drama. It has a nice eerie atmosphere due to the ominous lighting, the use of different camera filters and a soundtrack that goes through the marrow. Every time that doorbell rang, I got chills because another potential danger presented itself to that tormented old lob with his cane (Robbie Coltrane). Here the accusations run like an ink blot throughout family life. Julie Walters plays the mother who has always tolerated hubby's adultery and is confronted with a side of him she no longer understands. Andrea Riseborough is touching as the young woman who fights against her own demons, while at the same time trying to forgive and deal with her father.

Where the series leaves some points is that the figures from the flashbacks are very far from the figures in the now. How Paul and Marie develop into narcissistic psychopaths and conscientious housewives just doesn't feel convincing. The focus is now very much on the plot twists and suspense, but not on how these characters could change over time. Although it is nice that you are always misled by how husband/wife/daughter try to save things with lies, intrigue and manipulations, with a (yet) surprising outcome. It's not often that a movie/series ends with a bittersweet Pyrrhic victory for all the main characters.

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