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Monarch of the Glen (2000-2005)

7 seasons
3,66 29 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Michael Chaplin

Stars: Susan Hampshire, Alastair Mackenzie and Alexander Morton

IMDb score: 7,7 (3.921)

Releasedate: Sunday 27 February 2000

Monarch of the Glen plot

The young, handsome Scotsman Archie MacDonald opens a restaurant in London with his girlfriend Justine. Just before the grand opening, he receives a call from his mother, who tells him that his father had an accident. Horrified, he leaves for Scotland, but upon arrival he discovers that his father is as healthy as a fish. When he discovers that the steward has defrauded his family, their Glenbogle estate is nearly bankrupt and his family is neck-deep in debt, he realizes there's no choice but to stay until Glenbogle is out of debt.

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