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Bij Ons in de Jordaan (2000)

3,50 9 votes

Show title: Bij Ons in de Jordaan

IMDb score: 7,7 (93)

Episodes: 3

Playing time: 2 hour and 30 minutes

Developed by: Frank Ketelaar and Kees Prins

Stars: Pierre Bokma, Kees Prins and Ricky Koole

Origin: Netherlands

First aired on: Nederland 1 (Nederland)


This season is not available on US streaming services.


Bij Ons in de Jordaan plot

Bij Ons in de Jordaan is set in the 1950s and tells the life story of Johnny Jordaan, from his early years to his fame as the Netherlands' greatest folk singer. Great fellow artists such as Wim Sonneveld and Willy Alberti also pass by in the life of Jordaan. Then Johnny discovers that he harbors homosexual feelings, something that was still a big taboo in the mid-1950s. In a few years' time, partly due to the grief for his deceased mother and two brain hemorrhages, he has become a precocious, sickly man. But then he is approached for a performance during a big party in the Jordaan.

Episodes Season 1 (2000)

  1. 1. Waar de Bloemen voor de Ramen Staan

    19 November 2000 (50 minutes)

  2. 2. Waar de Jongens met de Meiden Dansen Gaan

    26 November 2000 (50 minutes)

  3. 3. Waar de Amsterdamse Humor Nooit Verloren Gaat

    3 December 2000 (50 minutes)

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