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Absentia (2017-2020)

3 seasons
3,59 76 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Israel / United States

Developed by: Matthew Cirulnick and Gaia Violo

Stars: Stana Katic, Patrick Heusinger and Neil Jackson

IMDb score: 7,2 (17.812)

Releasedate: Monday 25 September 2017

Absentia plot

The series tells the story of FBI agent Emily Byrne, who disappears without a trace and is pronounced dead while hunting one of Boston's most notorious serial killers. Six years later, she is found in a cabin in the woods, barely alive and with no memory of the years she was missing. When she gets home, she learns that her husband has remarried and her son is being raised by another woman.

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Opinions about Absentia

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.


  • 14 votes
Sunday 1 August 2021
Absentia season 1

I thought this was a great series, very exciting and not predictable at all. I really don't understand the negative reviews

dutch flagTranslated from Dutch · View original
avatar of 7 stars

7 stars

  • 140 votes
Thursday 13 August 2020
Absentia season 1

I don't understand the above reviews. A really strong series that doesn't bore you from episode 1 to 10. And story is well put together and makes you watch one episode after another. I highly recommend this! Good acting, good story and exciting. To look!

dutch flagTranslated from Dutch · View original